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Recommended Service Providers

Are you a landowner seeking assistance implementing a conservation project on your property? Below is a list of service providers we recommend, including contractors, handymen, arborists, landscapers, and more. When applicable, these businesses or individuals are licensed, bonded, and insured for the services they offer. Additionally, they are not currently debarred or suspended from receiving public funds.​


We encourage you to browse the contacts alphabetically or use the search function (Command + F) to find a specific service or location (e.g., "tree removal," "gutter/roof maintenance," or "Orcas Island").


Please note: While we strive to provide reliable recommendations, we highly encourage conducting your own research to ensure the provider is the right fit for your specific needs.

All Around Guys, LLC

Location: San Juan Island

Services: Small diameter_(<8"_dbh) tree removal , Gutter/roof maintenance, Vent screening, Deck and home skirting, Attached deck improvements, Small building construction

Contact: Jerad Chambers at (360) 472-1412 or (email, call, text)


Blackcap Restoration

Location: Orcas Island

Services: Tree planting

Contact: Anna at (360) 622-1788 or


Charlie Nigretto Enterprises

Location: Orcas Island

Services: Excavation, trenching, pond

Contact: (855) 713-1088


Chihuahua Team Services

Location: Orcas Island

Services: Fencing, planting

Contact: (360) 312-6003


Clark's Native Trees

Location: Off-island

Services: Native plants and shrubs nursery

Contact: 360-435-9473


Clearwater Seeds

Location: Off-island

Services: Native seeds

Contact: Kevin at 509-835-4967 or


Coldspring Pumps, Inc.

Location: Off-island

Services: Water management

Contact: Buddy Wright at (360) 376-2739 or


Eco EarthWorks

Location: San Juan Island

Services: Fencing, water management

Contact: Brien Sesby at (360) 622-9111 or


Everly Electrical Contracting LLC

Location: Orcas Island

Services: Small diameter_(<8"_dbh) tree removal, Chipping or burning of biomass, Tree/shrub pruning, Hardscaping with rock and gravel, Gutter/roof maintenance, Attached deck improvements, Fence repair/ installation, Small building construction, Concrete and gravel pad install, Hazard tree assessment/treatment
Contact: Zak Everly at (360) 317-5514 or


Forrest And Erin Enterprises

Location: San_Juan_Island, Outer_Islands

Services: Small diameter_(<8"_dbh) tree removal, Chipping or burning of biomass, Tree/shrub pruning, Hardscaping with rock and gravel, Concrete and gravel pad install, Excavator work including trench, Irrigation installation, Drainage installation, Custom tractor work
Contact: Forrest Dick at (360) 622- 6436 or


Frog Song Yard and Garden

Location: San Juan Island

Services: Small diameter_(<8"_dbh) tree removal, Chipping or burning of biomass, Tree/shrub pruning
Contact: Adam Chorba-Pulkka at (360) 370-7792 or


H.D. Fowler

Location: Off-island

Services: Irrigation, water management
Contact: Greg Hendry at (360) 734-8400


Inspiration Farm

Location: Off-island

Services: Permaculture, water landscapes
Contact: Brian Kerkvliet at (360) 319-2029 or


Island Irrigation, Inc.

Location: Orcas Island

Services: Irrigation
Contact: Caleb Dean at (360) 420-7223 or


Jen-Jay, Inc.

Location: Orcas Island

Services: Marine consulting, biological permitting, diving
Contact: Chris Betcher/Jay Zier at (360) 376-4664 or


Lopez Island Excavation, LLC

Location: San Juan Island, Lopez Island, Orcas Island, Shaw Island, Outer Islands

Services: Small diameter_(<8"_dbh) tree removal, Chipping or burning of biomass, Tree/shrub pruning, Landscaping design and consultation, Hardscaping, Concrete and gravel pad installation, Excavator work including trench, Drainage installation, Custom tractor work, Hazard tree assessment/ treatment
Contact: Jeremiah Johnson at (360) 298-6982 or


Natural Plant Solutions

Location: Shaw Island

Services: Custom tractor work, biochar, composting, soil testing
Contact: Andrew Borner at (360) 298-0353 or


Natural Systems Design

Location: Off island

Services: Hydrology engineering
Contact: (206) 834-0174 or


Northwest Plumbing and Waterworks

Location: San Juan Island

Services: Plumbing, water pumps
Contact: Kelby Anderson at (360) 378-3985 or


Orcas Waterscapes, LLC

Location: Orcas Island

Services: Irrigation

Contact: Chris Sanders at (360) 298-0717 or


Orchards, Gardens, & Irrigation LLC

Location: Orcas Island

Services: Irrigation, fencing

Contact: James Most at (360) 726-2919 or


Palouse Ranches

Location: Off-island

Services: Animal shelters

Contact: (833) 477-7433



Location: Orcas Island

Services: Tree care

Contact: Stuart Niven at (206) 501-9659 or


Perennial Consulting

Location: Orcas Island

Services: Wetlands consulting

Contact: Darcey Miller at (206) 427-9505 or


Peter C Schmidt Construction

Location: San Juan Island

Services: Trenching, piping

Contact: Peter Schmidt at (360) 378-7117


Rain Shadow Consulting

Location: Orcas Island

Services: Small diameter_(<8"_dbh) tree removal, Chipping or burning of biomass, Tree/shrub pruning, Hardscaping with rock and gravel, Excavator work including trench, Custom tractor work, Hazard tree assessment/ treatment

Contact: Carson Sprenger at (206) 321-1592 or


Rozewood Environmental Services

Location: Lopez Island

Services: Wetlands consulting

Contact: Scott Rozenbaum at 360-468-4448 or


Sam Pottinger

Location: Lopez Island

Services: Pond design and excavation

Contact: Sam Pottinger at (360) 317-8599 or


San Juan Surveying

Location: San Juan Island

Services: Surveying

Contact: Bob Wilson at (360) 378-2300 or


SJI Handyman, LLC.

Location: San Juan Island, Lopez Island, Orcas Island, Shaw Island, Outer Islands

Services: Small diameter (<8"_dbh) tree removal, Gutter/roof maintenance, Vent screening, Deck and home skirting, Attached deck improvements, Small building construction

Contact: David Day at (360) 600-6537 or


Stillpoint Studio, Landscape Design and Planning

Location: San Juan Island, Lopez Island, Orcas Island, Shaw Island, Outer Islands

Contact: Julia Weese-Young at (206) 658-7082 or


Susol Trees

Location: Orcas Island

Services: Orchard pruning and maintenance

Contact: (360) 622-0301 or


Texmo Buildings

Location: Off-island

Services: Pole buildings

Contact: 360-734-3480 or


The Carbon Capture Foundation

Location: Off-island

Services: No-cost trees

Contact: Norm Dick at (360) 751-3142 or


The Great Wide Open

Location: San Juan Island, Outer Islands

Services: Small diameter_(<8"_dbh) tree removal, Chipping or burning of biomass, Tree/shrub pruning, Deck and home skirting, Attached deck improvements, Fence repair/installation, Small building construction

Contact: Brian Neal at (818) 445-8795 or


Wilde Steading

Location: San Juan Island, Lopez Island, Orcas Island, Shaw Island, Outer Islands

Services: Small diameter_(<8"_dbh) tree removal, Chipping or burning of biomass, Tree/shrub pruning, Hazard tree assessment/ treatment

Contact: Jelte Wilde Harnmeijer at (360) 298-2610 or


Wildwood Alliance

Location: San Juan Island, Lopez Island, Orcas Island, Shaw Island, Outer Islands

Services: Small diameter_(<8"_dbh) tree removal, Chipping or burning of biomass, Tree/shrub pruning, Vent screening, Hazard tree assessment/ treatment

Contact: Victor Hartney at (360) 277-8287 or


Will Truman

Location: San Juan Island

Services: Fencing

Contact: Will Truman at (360) 317-5529

Please complete this survey if you are interested in joining the list of recommended service providers.

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